In case you think I may be just a person trying to promote a book, that this book is not different from others, allow me to share a lesson in "Supernature 101". Something I've observed and found to be helpful in trying to understand what everyone wants to understand - that is 'the big picture'.
The alphabet is based on runes. These runic symbols hold keys to archaic magic. Words now are not what they were ages ago. Words were magical, each and every letter, symbol had profound meaning into infinity. Now we punch the keyboard, maybe 6 or 10 letters each second, depending on how fast we type them. Ages ago each symbol was carefully drawn, then later each letter was carefully drawn and much thought went into every one. The AlphaBet...Alpha...Beta...the letters had a hierarchy - literally 'a high arc', an order, an insight into origins of existence, clues to our imagery.
We have great responsibility with words. They have caused much trouble on Earth, or they can do much good. Their meaning originally was not just to communicate what we thought, or what we saw. The meaning of words is not even to communicate in that way. Words, letters illustrate a picture in ways that are forgotten now, we have lost the meanings. There are hints.
Musicians, some of them, are closer to the meaning of speech, reading, and writing. They grasp a lofty concept of a chorus, of repetition, because repetition and chorus is in nature...but we don't understand the chords. Sometimes music strikes a chord within us. We recognize something obscure...a popular song may song silly but it's popular for a reason. The creator has struck a chord.
With authors, we've lost a lot of meaning. Words. Be careful how we use them, for really we know not what they mean and there is a huge effect on society by using words.
Samhain, or Halloween. It has become a mockery, really. It's worse now than the old days because we just dress up or try to act like we have some knowledge of what's going on during that ancient sacred time. Samhain is a window to the soul, a clue to death and the beyond. Why have we made this a time for scaring people? There's enough in everyday life to scare everyone without dressing in costumes we have no clue about...and I'm not excluding myself. I'd love to know more about this window to the soul, the Samhain...but like everything, people try to pursue something like copycats! I'll light a candle my way.