Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Sorcery of astrology - the eclipse

Hey all, here's some info from me to share with apprentice sorcerers.  Not saying I have an agreement with the dark forces or anything but it's a lot of research I've done, much thinking outside the box, and linking one thing to another - using imagination, dreams and all the info I can lay my hands on for a long time.

The solar eclipse is November 13th.  Sun and moon are in Scorpio.  This is a very powerful combination.  The premiere of  "Breaking Dawn 2" happens to fall at this time.  Was an astrologer consulted I wonder?  Why is this placement of planets a powerful influence in the cosmos?  The energy of Scorpio is dark and Plutonian, meaning ruled by Pluto. It's an 8th house matter - this house rules sex, regeneration, business, legacies, crises, things hidden.  Perfect for a premiere movie about vampires.

This solar eclipse should be life altering in a positive way for me - as my birthchart Scorpio is on the ascendant, which means at sunrise on the day of my birth, this house ruler was breaking dawn.  Since the moon blocks the sun in an eclipse, the sun will not break dawn for me.  My moon will block the sun and rule with Scorpio.  My birthchart moon is in Aries, in the 5th house of creativity.

Brings to mind a famous line in "Romeo and Juliet"

But soft! what light through yonder window breaks?
It is the east, and Juliet is the sun! -
Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,
Who is already pale and sick with grief,
That thou her maid art far more fair than she:

Enough about me...I just want to describe a bit of this occult info... but for more mysteries my book "Star Water" will have to be represented by a very imaginative and curious publisher, one who will see this next big book series on our horizon!