Stephenie Meyer has done so much for so many people - not only the Twilight series books which are awesome & fabulous but look at all the people she's helped & employed! Kristen Stewart is now the highest paid actress in the U.S....deservedly so imo. She's very honest & different in her skills - and the perfect Bella. And what about Robert Pattinson? Omg what a talent! Twilight was the difference of course.
Actually Stephenie Meyer changed the world. I wouldn't have written Star Water if I had not read the Twilight series. Stephenie is a modern writer for modern times...brilliant. Every era changes, faster and faster. What was good writing in Elizabethan times would not go over now...but it's great to have a background and knowledge of all the classics. I am a student of literature & I appreciate how Ms Meyer is too, and how she wrote with a classic background in Lit but completely nailed the way to write today!
I should keep up my blogs more but I've been busy on my second book and trying to 'encourage' people to look at my first book, Star Water. I've not yet learned how to cast a spell to get people to read it LOL!! Seriously spellcraft is an art and held in high regard in ancient times for good reason. I explore this in my books.
I'm wishing Stephenie would write more and keep in touch a bit more frequently...but she has family and she's already done so much. I can't help it - she's such a wonderful talent & I fear she'll stop! Help us, Stephenie Meyer...u rocked us!
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