Tonight I've decided to call on powers of supernature in a gesture to help all who read this. I want to show you something so you'll believe in your own power to create big changes in life. You may say I'm casting a spell.
Bubble bubble
Toil and trouble
All who read this
Fortunes double
In the spirit of generosity in this festive season I will confide in you. If you read my book, you'll see a new way and your fortune will improve immediately if you use themes and methods of Merleena, her mother Jasmine, Owen the Sorcerer, his father Adrian...and some other characters. But you have to read and rate my book at Swoonreads to do this. Seriously, I want to empower you because I can't stand what's going on with a lot of the publishing industry right now. Too many fakes. Too many people writing horrible stories for shock value and profit. Too much effin' crap! I want to help you. Why? Because I care about you, the future, your love, your life, this world. Love is all.
The spell is cast, the deed is done. Star Water - Book One - Sweet Sorcerer. Go there, read, and watch Lady Fortuna begin to shower her gifts upon you. There's Santa and then there's "Fortune" and there's a difference. After you read Sweet Sorcerer, rate it, comment and watch your good future start to happen. But do it soon...time is running out and the book will not be up at the site much longer!
Yes, I know what I'm talking about. Believe and you shall see. Go now, don't hesitate. One word
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