Saturday, 15 February 2014

New YA book ideas for 2015 and beyond

Hi all!  I want to take a huge step, a quantum leap into the the Fool in the Tarot cards, stepping off the cliff.  The Fool is symbolic of innocence and trust, playfulness and diversion...not just foolishness as we see it today.  He represents mystical cleverness, a childlike ability to go into inner workings of the world.  He is "crazy wisdom" with the sun shining at his back - his madness is divine.

The Fool, in Medieval times was the Jester, who was mercurial in his intellect and capable of entertaining royalty, fully engaging them, allowing gaiety to rule. The Fool is numbered 0 - Zero in the Tarot Deck.  The mystery is contained in all of us fools.

What I want to say is this - so many YA books of today are successful based on almost identical formulas.  They are mainly books with characters who go "Golly gee, stupid me" types.  Authors, who should try to do better, instead try to identify with young adults by portraying main characters as having low self-esteem, repeating such things as "if I wasn't so dorky, ugly, awkward, no social skills, no self-confidence" etc etc - you get the drift.

What's wrong with first of all assuming that Young Adults in the books and reading the books have
A) Brains and youthful wisdom
B) Beauty
C) Positive qualities to help bring out self-esteem
D) Concern about the world ????

Why not?

Why are we obsessed with portraying this generation as a bunch of self absorbed mindless idiots, (not fools) but non-thinking dolts? Authors portray their main characters as mainly concerned about their own dorkiness, stupid brother, beautiful older sister who they are jealous of and the list goes on.

I'm tired of these assumptions - about the readers of YA books, and young adults themselves not having the capability to think and change our world for the better. I write for inquisitive, forward thinking, rather smart readers who don't enjoy negatively putting themselves down. Let's be kind to each other, we're smart enough.

I write for people who are ready to gather and talk about wonderful mystical things.  If I read one more YA chapter that goes "Well golly, he's such a dork and I'm such an idiot" I'll heave the book out the window!  Better not be a screen on that window or I'd be such a dork.

Now, on with my surfing and studying Brit musicians history.  Once again, here's my book up at Swoonreads for free...for now.  Check it!  12,000 visits can't be wrong but identify yourself & rate it, please!
 Star Water - Book One - Sweet Sorcerer

Thanks a million stars!

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