Saturday, 15 March 2014

Our Newest Era - Books to Movies Pyramid

Hello, I had a dream last night. Tis the Ides of March upon us.  Mainly in this dream I was in an elevator and a lady with two little children, a boy and a girl, entered.  They were all dressed fashionably in black and white, although I thought the attire was too formal and uncolorful for the children.  The little girl offered pink jellybeans to me - I took some jellybeans and we went up to the 12th floor.  We all entered a theatre on that floor where a popular children's movie was playing, like Harry Potter, except in the theatre we had a choice of two screens - same movie but a big screen and a smaller one.  We sat in front of the smaller screen where more seats were free.

When I woke up I thought, wow, this is how it is with choices in today's world!  Nothing is one thing anymore.  The theory of knowledge as an inverted pyramid is becoming more evident daily - the concept is we start at a bottom point and progress outward, knowledge expanded in all directions.  There's obviously no end to it.

Maybe this is why astrologers say we have entered a new era, beginning with that Mayan calendar date everyone was so concerned about several months ago.  Maybe we're expanding so far outward the person on one side can't communicate with the person on the other side, even in this age of communications.

I think "The Golden Age" of books ended somewhere around 4 years ago - not that it's worse now, just different - and maybe potentially an improvement of the past era, who knows?  What I mean is remember when we waited for the next Harry Potter book to arrive at the bookstore?  Line-ups went around the block - kids & parents stayed up all night waiting at the store.  Same with the Twilight saga - line-ups, was great!  That's all changed.  Now we have choices - ebooks, printed books, downloads of all sorts...and basically it's all a tablet.  Authors have to keep up with the times, and I enjoy technology...but for kids, I don't know.  Is the thrill of a bookstore new release gone forever?

And the movies coinciding with those two epic sagas - Harry Potter and Twilight!  Wow, we had premieres to attend - not changed much.  What has changed is we waited for the collectible dvds to arrive, never mind downloading on electronics!!  We wanted hard copies to take to our friends' houses and watch them over and over!  That is changing -  too many choices.

With this speed of attainment it's not easy to hold the attention of the public for as long as in "the old days".  They want to go on to the next thing, faster than ever.  Not that I'm an oldtimer sitting here going "Remember when, the good old days" - no, I'm optimistic and interested in this newest age.

A fast turnover rate is the same with not only books and movies but with employees (few stay in one place for many years like our grandparents).  Music, too - sooo many choices.  Albums -vinyl or cd? Downloads - which type do you want?  There was a time of great music - in my opinion and research the Golden Era of music was in the late 1960's and early 70's when people bought albums, vinyl with artistically designed covers.  And great music would stay on the best seller charts for months, sometimes many years!  A great album of that era is Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon....and it has a pyramid on the cover....very futuristic and an emblem of our inverted knowledge is one way of looking at it.  Pure art, music and life, inside and out, all over the world.

I'm concerned about the Art...of everything.  Will it be lost among the expanding pyramid of choices?  Should art have to jostle for a brief moment in this black hole of marketing?  Not that there's anything wrong with that. Art & beauty will survive - I have no doubt.  We're going through great cosmic experience together.

My free contribution, my artistic expression is Sweet Sorcerer  First line of book is 'almost April' Please read & rate!  We've got to help each other - Peace and Love.
                                                          Happy Spring

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