I'm back from Hawaii...and goddess Pele has surely taught a lesson to me. I wiped out a bit in the surf, nothing serious - a few bandaids to show for it. My body felt the power of Oahu's waves...but my muscles, unaccustomed to rough seas, ached a good ache afterward. I was under the spell of Hawaii and Pele, reminded once again what a feeble race we are compared to goddesses. I surfed some good waves, had fun...I'm healthy.
After I got home a few days ago I checked websites about books, trying to promote my book. How old fashioned, powerless, and downright sad it is to me to see female authors promoting their books in negative ways. Is it a fashionable thing now to say how different, uncool, unpopular, dorky, reclusive, odd etc etc you are? Is this self portrayal supposed to attract readers and potential buyers of your books, ladies?? What type of women are you trying to reach and what are you trying to say?
This approach is not only distasteful to me as a woman, it's downplaying the intelligence of the reader. Does the author want me to feel sorry for her...relate to her...or what?
Give me books of inspiration, written by well adjusted, popular, learning, happy people. Give me something to aspire to. I try to inspire people with my books. I am a new wave. I have something to offer. I'm not going out on a tiny limb, trying to attract insecure, reclusive females and I'm not capitalizing on their insecurities, rather, I'm celebrating the power and beauty of women in my love story Star Water - Part One - Silver Rain or if you like the earlier original version Star Water - Part One - Sweet Sorcerer . Either or...it doesn't matter, personally I prefer Silver Rain because the revisions are slight but good.
No...I'm not going out on a tiny limb, perched there afraid to fly, sitting with a bunch of fearful timid ones saying "What if?" Here's what if...push. Now fly to Summerland and dive deep into Star Water. We have a whole world to explore and you have to be healthy to do it.
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