Thursday, 1 May 2014

May Day & Visions not Revisions

Happy May Day!  I'm behind on my blog updates and I'll be going on a little vacay soon so I thought a new entry here would be a good idea.  Now... friends in life and followers on Twitter this is what I have to say.  My free book  Star Water - Book One - Sweet Sorcerer up at the Swoonreads website for awhile now and when I get back from the holiday I expect to see a lot of comments and ratings!  Ha!  Seriously, I would do it for you.

One thing I've learned through the experience of offering my book online is...some friends and relatives can be dismissive.  Not only do they not want to help me, they're not interested in something new...or maybe (and this thought has crept into my mind recently) some people just don't want to see me succeed.  It's a weird trip, this book series - in many ways but I'm so glad to learn more about people and life, really!

Star Water - Book Two (and I'll reveal the title later) ends on May Day.  This is a significant event in the second book of my series.  May Day is a significant event since recorded time began.

About visions and revisions.  Take the words literally.  When I wrote these books it was all about my vision.  Not the publishers, editors, agents revision.  Revision is like Re-seeing.  Why?  What's wrong with the first vision?  Nothing, it's all mine and I intend to keep my vision and not have it run through the publishing industry until my idea isn't mine anymore.  Too much change from the beginning to final product these days and unnecessarily so. The current fad is to change everything. The author's voice is lost and becomes the editor's voice.  I don't need my books to be polished gems.  I want them unearthed, glittering and full of possibilities for the reader to imagine.  Ttys!

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