Sunday, 8 June 2014

Moving on. Breathe.

Already over a month!  Last post the thought of moving was just starting to formulate...and now I've sorted, packed, given away boxes of things to charity, cleaned, organized, fixed some things in the house and...the For Sale sign is up!  My place is in a great, desired location...great for someone else, not me.  I feel the town closing in all around me.

I want  to breathe, breathe in the air, like the Pink Floyd song on Dark Side of the Moon.  More than ever I'm beginning to see illusions of what people think they want, what people think they see.  People are crowding in all around - they think this is a wonderful tourist city with beaches and peaches.  Okay, I'll was a great town when I was much younger.  This city is a shadow of its former self, a mere memory of fresh air and friendlier less competitive people...a fond recollection of a slower pace and two lanes only for cars - even some dirt roads.

Not any more - they are 4 and 6 laning roads & highways everywhere.  When I was a child and I rested my head on my pillow at night - I'd hear crickets and distant ch-ch-ch- of metal irrigation sprinklers watering the orchards in this semi-desert town.  Those orchards are gone.  Now at night I hear traffic, distant and near.

I'm concerned about health and pollution, always.  I'm an environmentalist and animal rights activist.  What am I doing here, in this city?  Let them have it, sorry grandparents in the cemetery on the hill.  When I see you now at the graveside the main sound is traffic...and sirens sometimes...or machinery...interspersed with a bird call or two.

Wish me luck!  I'm not going far...just on outskirts in this valley in a smaller place beside a smaller lake...wandering on society's fringes with more like minded people.  With a view of the future and wanting a second little winter place in Lahaina as well!  How fast will my place sell?  All depends - who believes in the illusion strongly and the place is theirs.

I have to get back to promoting my book while I wait for the sale.  The time has gone by quickly indeed.  Til later...breathe, breathe in the air...

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