Sunday, 14 December 2014

Love is pain

I tweeted about love today.  I've been gone awhile...moving, happy...but love is pain, neither good nor bad but pain of emotions surging in my heart.  Love isn't all smooth as glass, deceptively transparent.  Love is broken glass to get to the other side.  If you shine silver it becomes clear, like a mirror.  Can I get to the other side?  So clear I can disappear, become a reflection, invisible.

I had a dream of Kurt Cobain last night.  He showed me what to do, he explained so easily...He's another sun in Pisces, full of sacrifice, wisdom of all astrological signs combined.  Pisces men, beautiful skin, smooth as glass... a liquid quiet surface, transparent vision. I met him on another level, another plane like he sang about...I'm on a plane.  I met him in my dream.

David Gilmour, I want to meet him...on a plane, any level - he's here on this level - do I have to wait?  Earls Court last night...Earls Court is going down, the wrecking ball.  Is nothing sacred?

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

New look, revised book now at Swoon Reads

Hey Clones - well, Lady Gaga calls her fans "my little monsters" so I thought I would say what I thought!  The reason I say "Clones" is because I'm finding all the bestsellers, talking about books, are dystopian gross nightmares of a devilish world...and young people are buying into this terrible myth.  No wonder we're seeing so many suicides and so much depression.  It doesn't have to be that way.  Steer this ship around!  Dystopian books are not necessary.  A dystopian society is not real.  Don't eat it up...they want your souls, little Clones.

I won't even give in and say "not that there's anything wrong with that" because there's something severely wrong if we are following authors who lead us on a path of destruction and hopelessness.  Severely wrong...and the main reason authors write this way is...drum roll...MONEY.  Publishers and editors tell us to write these gross stories of despair because, well, everyone else does it...and it seems to work...and kids buy it.

I try to stick to my goals and show some integrity but that's not the main reason I wrote this book.  I want to help...Earth, animals, people...and the way to help is through love.  Also I have something to show the little Clones...there IS another way to exist.  To survive, we have to look at all the signs and omens around us and in Star Water - Part 1 - Silver Rain  I show you how to look for these signals.

I uploaded the new revised version of Star Water Part 1 at Swoon Reads   If you don't want to look, I don't care, continue to be a crowd follower.  I don't care about money or if my book sells.  Suit yourself.  If you want to see a new way, then read it.

Monday, 25 August 2014

My new revised book - Silver Rain

I'm very pleased and excited to announce the publication of my new e-book at the HarperCollins website, Authonomy, in England!  This is an entirely blissful dream come true...for as you know, readers, I love music, rock bands, especially the classic Brit bands and my book embraces all of these lovely concepts.  As well, the original themes of romantic supernature are here, all within Star Water - Part 1 - Silver Rain  free to you for now and brand new today!

Monday, 28 July 2014

Movie Star Boy - lyrics

I'm prolific ha!  I think it's the heat wave and a specific type of "sun high", which I love...the lazy hazy crazy days of summer.  A song I wrote today - a true story.  I've thought about this boy...where did he go?  These lyrics are influenced by my some of my favorite musicians, Pink Floyd being way up there.  I think the style is all my own - see if you think a song is in here, in the lines.  Happy Birthday Rick Wright, way up there.

As always, no one try to take these lyrics as I will find you with a little help from the Neptune Pink Floyd  forum, thanks.

Movie Star Boy

Movie star boy, movie star boy
Where is the joy?
Out in your yard
Your black and white dog
Standing on guard.

This is your life
Your common-law wife
Is laughing outside
Your daughter turned one
I know you  tried
Movie star boy.

Last summer you sang
With friends at the shore
You had a guitar
Your skin was so tanned
I walked past, you smiled
Angel faced child
Movie star boy, movie star boy.

And now you stand wearing jeans
In your rented yard
Your shiny black hair
Your face worn with care
Should be on the big screen
Should really be seen
So young and ignored
Restless and bored.

Why don’t you just run
To Hollywood town?
This girl brought you down
Your daughter will know
Just send them the dough
I live down the street
I can’t understand
Movie star boy, movie star boy
Why can’t you see
What it means to be free?

Copyright Luvelle Raevan July 2014

Saturday, 26 July 2014

We don't know anything

Today I woke up with the feeling of how little we know about our world.  Really we don't know anything.  Think of any birds flying.  What are they doing and why do all species have different sounds?  Is each frequency, each wavelength part of a huge pattern in the world?  I think so.  What are the seasons about, and why are we here?  We don't know, nobody does.  We can believe and go by our intuition...that's all.  I know love feels good.  Love isn't upsetting and unhealthy - that's not love imo...I don't know what feelings of unhappiness are about - but those feelings are not about love.

I wrote more lyrics at the beach a few days ago.  Actually, Jupiter entered Leo on that day...but I felt like it was Mars.  This one is about someone who existed in an alternate reality and we could not go on.  If I have true love, it's not like this little rhyme I made up in a childlike moment.

Mars Enters Leo

You came to me as I sat
On my throne of sand,
The hottest day ever
In the land.

I could not see your eyes –
The sun was too bright
And besides, they were shaded
And framed just like night.

We talked about nothing
Yet everything was there
Hidden and showing
Like my hat hid my hair

And beach curls blonde
Fell in wet strands around
My listening ears
As I sat on the ground.

But we talked about nothing
I wouldn’t go there
Back to the time
When I really cared.

Blame it on the lion
And the planet of war
Combined together
On a sandy shore.

Copyright Luvelle Raevan 2014

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Songs and solar return

Hello, welcome to my new year!  As the title above suggests, astronomy is involved and I just had a birthday a few days ago.  I've joined Neptune Pink Floyd - the newsletter and forum.  Having been a member on various forums throughout the last 12 or more years, I can honestly say so far the Pink Floyd forum members are some of the best fans I've encountered.  They are educated, articulate and most of all - they love the music.

Here's David Gilmour videos from back in the early days.  Oh my lord - he's positively angelic!! Something I'll refrain from saying over at the forum...want to be professional ha!

I wrote two new songs at the beach - copyrighted by me and people out there don't try to use them because I have the Pink Floyd forum to back me...the lyrics are mine!  For DG...Piscean (with moon in Aries same degree as my Aries moon)

The Difference Is Night And Day

Come on sun in your lonely dance,
Come on full moon in my midnight trance –
I want to see my way in the dark
In the light, in the dark, in the light,
In the dark
All in one day – what can I say?

I want to walk with him in the park –
Mix up daydreams with dreams in my sleep
Enter my heart with secrets I keep
Open my mind with probes made of love
I want to see what happens above –
In the light, in the dark, in the light
In the dark
All in one day
All in one day
What can I say?
All in a day.

If we see Venus and lightning strikes –
I can’t tell daydreams from dreams at night
Don’t tell me the difference –
I don’t want to know
My love has to go
Where I want to go
All in one day
What can I say?

What can I say?

Copyright Luvelle Raevan

Wings of Glass

When a slow boat passes
Near metallic shores
And nine seagulls stand
On silver sand
With white feathers blown
In a warm south breeze
That’s where I’ve known
Clear memories.

When sharp sounds drift
On wings of glass
And blue meets blue
And love is new
Through sunglasses
I see your dark shape
And I’m still thinking
Of love we make.

When a sailboat passes
Near glitter shores
And nine seagulls stand
On silver sand.

Copyright Luvelle Raevan

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

A new song for you!

Happy Canada Day, all you stereotyped plaid shirted, beer swillin' & champagne snobs regarding Canadian literature, we have much to be thankful joking!  Yes, we have several good things about Canada.  We know how to fight against oil pipelines - but this time let's not cave in to pressures of the East...and I mean the Far East, too. I don't want to think about it.

Instead, here's a new song I wrote this aft at the beach, in between swims.  Most of my inspiration is at the beach in summer.  See if you like it.  My strength is my whimsy.  This one is dedicated to Floyd, and to David's Strat guitars.

  Aliens – Alliance

Come on now sweet sorcerer
Your muses we will not ignore
You climb into my dreams at night –
You know, my angel, that’s all right
You hang around my bed with me –
And tell me ancient history

Of crystal caves
And men of stone
And women kind
I’m not alone.

Come on, love, and tell me more
With that song I so adore
I won’t ask you anything
In case it sounds like just a fling –
Your hold on me is more than life
A thousand times of man and wife

Beaches pale sand
And water waves
I feel you’re here
In countless ways.

You hang around this world with me
And maybe we’re a tragedy
Let’s just play a favourite song
And let them say we don’t belong
I won a pillow on a website
So climb into my dreams  tonight.

Copyright Luvelle Raevan July 2014

And while I'm on the path of self promotion with you in mind....please check the first book in my Star Water series.  Sweet Sorcerer is free, I'm committed and Macmillan is a good company - we can do this!  I'll donate to my environmental and animal rights causes with some of the book series profits - a promise I made to my own God, my creator, alien maybe, sweet sorcerer imo yes!

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Writing songs

I read an interesting news item today regarding animal rights activist, Pamela Anderson.  Kudos to Pam, because she's a good role model.  Same with Angelina Jolie.  These women are truly beautiful in all ways.  Why are women perceived as the sexiest ever also the most sensitive, kind, and with a difficult past?  Same with Jenna Jameson, who was a porn star...although she's not really a humanitarian in some ways, she is beautiful with a difficult past.  I'm perceived as sexy...and I've had issues in my past - but I'm not going to talk about that right now.  Like Pam, I really don't trust people very much and my loyalty is to the animal kingdom, nature, and artistic expression.  More than ever, I'm glad to be an animal rights activist as we are making progress.

My artistic expression today is a song - lyrics.  I wrote this song for one of my favourite musicians - his initials are DG and he belonged to a band with the name Floyd in it.  Can you guess?  If he wanted to collaborate I could imagine us sitting at Fleetwood's on Front St. in Lahaina, Maui (Mick Fleetwood's restaurant) and going over a few things!  Am I too bold?  No, I'm an astrologer...and I know the nature of Pisces sun sign men.  It's possible - when they want to try something new they slip away in a silver shimmer, from any grasp - leaving a person with memories as elusive as water...

                                                                     Solomon’s Son 

I love your face
Your arms hold on
A smile so warm
Are we still on?

You can’t say I didn’t try enough
You won’t say I didn’t cry enough
Your eyes of sky can see me through
To make this love completely true.

I touched your hair
And kissed your mouth
And then my mind
Went tropic south

But if you are too old for this
And our time is just passing bliss
If you feel my kisses cool
And if you find we broke the rules –
Then go.  GO!  GO! 
But I still stay
And I still say
I love your face
Your arms hold on
Your smile is warm
And we go on.

 Copyright Luvelle Raevan

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Moving on. Breathe.

Already over a month!  Last post the thought of moving was just starting to formulate...and now I've sorted, packed, given away boxes of things to charity, cleaned, organized, fixed some things in the house and...the For Sale sign is up!  My place is in a great, desired location...great for someone else, not me.  I feel the town closing in all around me.

I want  to breathe, breathe in the air, like the Pink Floyd song on Dark Side of the Moon.  More than ever I'm beginning to see illusions of what people think they want, what people think they see.  People are crowding in all around - they think this is a wonderful tourist city with beaches and peaches.  Okay, I'll was a great town when I was much younger.  This city is a shadow of its former self, a mere memory of fresh air and friendlier less competitive people...a fond recollection of a slower pace and two lanes only for cars - even some dirt roads.

Not any more - they are 4 and 6 laning roads & highways everywhere.  When I was a child and I rested my head on my pillow at night - I'd hear crickets and distant ch-ch-ch- of metal irrigation sprinklers watering the orchards in this semi-desert town.  Those orchards are gone.  Now at night I hear traffic, distant and near.

I'm concerned about health and pollution, always.  I'm an environmentalist and animal rights activist.  What am I doing here, in this city?  Let them have it, sorry grandparents in the cemetery on the hill.  When I see you now at the graveside the main sound is traffic...and sirens sometimes...or machinery...interspersed with a bird call or two.

Wish me luck!  I'm not going far...just on outskirts in this valley in a smaller place beside a smaller lake...wandering on society's fringes with more like minded people.  With a view of the future and wanting a second little winter place in Lahaina as well!  How fast will my place sell?  All depends - who believes in the illusion strongly and the place is theirs.

I have to get back to promoting my book while I wait for the sale.  The time has gone by quickly indeed.  Til later...breathe, breathe in the air...

Thursday, 1 May 2014

May Day & Visions not Revisions

Happy May Day!  I'm behind on my blog updates and I'll be going on a little vacay soon so I thought a new entry here would be a good idea.  Now... friends in life and followers on Twitter this is what I have to say.  My free book  Star Water - Book One - Sweet Sorcerer up at the Swoonreads website for awhile now and when I get back from the holiday I expect to see a lot of comments and ratings!  Ha!  Seriously, I would do it for you.

One thing I've learned through the experience of offering my book online is...some friends and relatives can be dismissive.  Not only do they not want to help me, they're not interested in something new...or maybe (and this thought has crept into my mind recently) some people just don't want to see me succeed.  It's a weird trip, this book series - in many ways but I'm so glad to learn more about people and life, really!

Star Water - Book Two (and I'll reveal the title later) ends on May Day.  This is a significant event in the second book of my series.  May Day is a significant event since recorded time began.

About visions and revisions.  Take the words literally.  When I wrote these books it was all about my vision.  Not the publishers, editors, agents revision.  Revision is like Re-seeing.  Why?  What's wrong with the first vision?  Nothing, it's all mine and I intend to keep my vision and not have it run through the publishing industry until my idea isn't mine anymore.  Too much change from the beginning to final product these days and unnecessarily so. The current fad is to change everything. The author's voice is lost and becomes the editor's voice.  I don't need my books to be polished gems.  I want them unearthed, glittering and full of possibilities for the reader to imagine.  Ttys!

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Music of the Spheres, Enchantment and Eclipses

I'm going to combine a few ideas here, the concept of oneness. We all want to know the mystical secrets of our existence - no one knows but we can learn as we go!

I came across the old Pythagoran theory and refreshed my memory - the music of the spheres, architecture of sound, a mathematical equation.  All is harmonious in nature - Pythagoras was a mindblowing genius.  Combining vibrations to build - because all matter is vibrations.  How does sound and music fit into this picture?   We all have our ideas.

Of course it's no secret I think Pink Floyd musicians are amazing.  They experimented with sounds like no other band - everything from dogs singing along to breakfast frying, to the ping of electronic equipment.  The ping is in news today a lot, due to the MH370 aircraft search.  I think it may be in the Gobi Desert and I've said so online - no one listens though...and I hate to speculate as so many people are grieving so I won't dwell on my theory.  I wish I could help.

Here's a video 'Live at Pompeii', music featured on Pink Floyd's albums, Meddle -  Echoes - the lyrics are divinely inspired and the music is a gift from another dimension, and it's no secret how much I think David is a hottie too, then and now!

What I want to say is science, magic and nature are one - they have to be, there's no other way we could be alive in our reality.  My book is still up for free at Swoonreads - exclusive there until the eclipse on April 14th at midnight in the Pacific NW just as April 15th begins - and then after that I'm free to sell the book to any publisher I choose - but they have to want it!  Sweet Sorcerer is all about teenagers discovering the path of enchantment, dreams and all things Neptunian. Check it here!
Star Water - Book One - Sweet Sorcerer

Also, I'm exploring another of our senses - the scents.  I found my powerful potion quite by chance, in a shop - and now it has been pulled from the shelves.  The scented lotion is a hot fragrance - smells hot, the best way to describe.  Has the word Heat in the name, too, and drives men wild - believe me I've tested it lol!  I analysed the ingredients and when my book becomes well known I intend to market my fragrance - the name is already chosen!

 Enchantment takes shape in many forms - Happy Full Moon mid April!  I like to say we'll have a Pink Moon, as natives here call it.  Science calls it a  Blood Moon  This is good, this is very good, for my art & my love.

Friday, 21 March 2014

A Poem to My Dream Love

Hello & Happy Spring, equinox and a new year in the zodiac calendar, heralding the constellation Aries, the Ram.  Today I felt a stream of consciousness as I wrote the following poem all within two minutes, no crossing out or hesitation, line after line, onto a page in my dream journal.  I was thinking of a fave place I love, Lahaina, Maui and a trip with the ladies of the family not too long ago.


What rhymes with Lahaina?
Everything does - palm trees,
Hibiscus, ocean breeze,
Heat and Prison Street -
Mystery and walking on
Fallen dry pods in pitch dark
Finding our way to tiki torches
At the Aina Nalu -
Outrigger - my second home,
Mahalo, Aloha
And a multichorus of birds
Outside at sunrise -
I must go back and record them
On my cellphone
Because everything beautiful
Rhymes with Lahaina -
And a surfer spirit
Jumped into my soul
Through a camera lens
At the last minute
Connecting us, kinda -
In Lahaina.

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Our Newest Era - Books to Movies Pyramid

Hello, I had a dream last night. Tis the Ides of March upon us.  Mainly in this dream I was in an elevator and a lady with two little children, a boy and a girl, entered.  They were all dressed fashionably in black and white, although I thought the attire was too formal and uncolorful for the children.  The little girl offered pink jellybeans to me - I took some jellybeans and we went up to the 12th floor.  We all entered a theatre on that floor where a popular children's movie was playing, like Harry Potter, except in the theatre we had a choice of two screens - same movie but a big screen and a smaller one.  We sat in front of the smaller screen where more seats were free.

When I woke up I thought, wow, this is how it is with choices in today's world!  Nothing is one thing anymore.  The theory of knowledge as an inverted pyramid is becoming more evident daily - the concept is we start at a bottom point and progress outward, knowledge expanded in all directions.  There's obviously no end to it.

Maybe this is why astrologers say we have entered a new era, beginning with that Mayan calendar date everyone was so concerned about several months ago.  Maybe we're expanding so far outward the person on one side can't communicate with the person on the other side, even in this age of communications.

I think "The Golden Age" of books ended somewhere around 4 years ago - not that it's worse now, just different - and maybe potentially an improvement of the past era, who knows?  What I mean is remember when we waited for the next Harry Potter book to arrive at the bookstore?  Line-ups went around the block - kids & parents stayed up all night waiting at the store.  Same with the Twilight saga - line-ups, was great!  That's all changed.  Now we have choices - ebooks, printed books, downloads of all sorts...and basically it's all a tablet.  Authors have to keep up with the times, and I enjoy technology...but for kids, I don't know.  Is the thrill of a bookstore new release gone forever?

And the movies coinciding with those two epic sagas - Harry Potter and Twilight!  Wow, we had premieres to attend - not changed much.  What has changed is we waited for the collectible dvds to arrive, never mind downloading on electronics!!  We wanted hard copies to take to our friends' houses and watch them over and over!  That is changing -  too many choices.

With this speed of attainment it's not easy to hold the attention of the public for as long as in "the old days".  They want to go on to the next thing, faster than ever.  Not that I'm an oldtimer sitting here going "Remember when, the good old days" - no, I'm optimistic and interested in this newest age.

A fast turnover rate is the same with not only books and movies but with employees (few stay in one place for many years like our grandparents).  Music, too - sooo many choices.  Albums -vinyl or cd? Downloads - which type do you want?  There was a time of great music - in my opinion and research the Golden Era of music was in the late 1960's and early 70's when people bought albums, vinyl with artistically designed covers.  And great music would stay on the best seller charts for months, sometimes many years!  A great album of that era is Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon....and it has a pyramid on the cover....very futuristic and an emblem of our inverted knowledge is one way of looking at it.  Pure art, music and life, inside and out, all over the world.

I'm concerned about the Art...of everything.  Will it be lost among the expanding pyramid of choices?  Should art have to jostle for a brief moment in this black hole of marketing?  Not that there's anything wrong with that. Art & beauty will survive - I have no doubt.  We're going through great cosmic experience together.

My free contribution, my artistic expression is Sweet Sorcerer  First line of book is 'almost April' Please read & rate!  We've got to help each other - Peace and Love.
                                                          Happy Spring

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Swoonworthy pics

Happy Birthday on March 6th, David Gilmour, lead guitarist & vocalist, creator of Pink Floyd!

Here are a few pics of a very cool dude, then and now.  I swoon for thee, David!

Unearthly trips

Finally I watched the movie "Rush" late last night.  I should have watched it on the big screen at the theatres but I didn't.  Instead, I rented the dvd from the only video store in this region and at least my tv is connected with decent Polk speakers for audio.

I thought this movie was excellent - a good story and directed by Ron Howard, who has beautiful taste and vision.  Fast cars and accidents are a touchy subject for me - and for a lot of people I suppose, but that's why I waited and finally decided the time was right to watch it.

Today, I find myself thinking about "Rush", connecting thoughts and imagination.  When a movie stays with me until the next day and elevates my thoughts I know the movie has hit a chord.  I thought about astrology, and how I have no Earth in my chart, no planets at all in Earth signs.  Some famous people have no Earth - no Capricorn, Taurus, or Virgo in their birthcharts although this is a rare thing.  We're not grounded, but now I don't see it as a deficiency.  See your free natal chart (birthchart) at Astrotheme, and look up some of your fave celebrities - the list is vast.  Click on degree of each planet to open a window, to see a symbolic reference, like an I Ching scene.
Astrotheme is one of the best astrology sites imo, based in France.

When I watched the Formula One cars in the movie "Rush" I realized they are just barely grounded - going as fast as possible, just skimming the earth.  In a way, it's not a death wish as some have suggested, but an attempt to bridge sky and Earth - touching the ground lightly in one spot and moving on.

I see my attempt to skim earth as I go through life. Years ago, and even until I watched "Rush" yesterday, I thought I needed a friend or lover with strong Earth elements to balance the absence of those elements in my astrological chart - but now I know this isn't the case.  Yes, I love gardening, digging in the dirt...but look how those little seedlings and all life, even the big trees reach reach for the sky.  Man, do they reach!!!

Here's a video clip from the movie "Rush".  Also, please check my Sweet Sorcerer a Young Adult (good for any age group really!) Paranormal Romantic Fantasy where I explore many unearthly ideas!

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Happy March! New info about my book

March came in like a lion today in the Pacific Northwest!  Not much sun but scenic anyway...

I'm happy to announce my Sweet Sorcerer is now advertised at a great new UK website for all to view! Many titles and categories of books are easily viewed at this site.  I'm glad to be with  iAuthor

I suggest going over there and having a look at some very interesting adverts.....including mine!


Monday, 24 February 2014

My review of Pink Floyd - Behind the Wall

Hello all,

Here's a review up at Chapters Indigo and Goodreads.  I wrote it a couple of weeks ago.  Check it!  If you like British musicians and history of their music since the 1960's, you'll love this book!

Pink Floyd - Behind the Wall

Saturday, 15 February 2014

New YA book ideas for 2015 and beyond

Hi all!  I want to take a huge step, a quantum leap into the the Fool in the Tarot cards, stepping off the cliff.  The Fool is symbolic of innocence and trust, playfulness and diversion...not just foolishness as we see it today.  He represents mystical cleverness, a childlike ability to go into inner workings of the world.  He is "crazy wisdom" with the sun shining at his back - his madness is divine.

The Fool, in Medieval times was the Jester, who was mercurial in his intellect and capable of entertaining royalty, fully engaging them, allowing gaiety to rule. The Fool is numbered 0 - Zero in the Tarot Deck.  The mystery is contained in all of us fools.

What I want to say is this - so many YA books of today are successful based on almost identical formulas.  They are mainly books with characters who go "Golly gee, stupid me" types.  Authors, who should try to do better, instead try to identify with young adults by portraying main characters as having low self-esteem, repeating such things as "if I wasn't so dorky, ugly, awkward, no social skills, no self-confidence" etc etc - you get the drift.

What's wrong with first of all assuming that Young Adults in the books and reading the books have
A) Brains and youthful wisdom
B) Beauty
C) Positive qualities to help bring out self-esteem
D) Concern about the world ????

Why not?

Why are we obsessed with portraying this generation as a bunch of self absorbed mindless idiots, (not fools) but non-thinking dolts? Authors portray their main characters as mainly concerned about their own dorkiness, stupid brother, beautiful older sister who they are jealous of and the list goes on.

I'm tired of these assumptions - about the readers of YA books, and young adults themselves not having the capability to think and change our world for the better. I write for inquisitive, forward thinking, rather smart readers who don't enjoy negatively putting themselves down. Let's be kind to each other, we're smart enough.

I write for people who are ready to gather and talk about wonderful mystical things.  If I read one more YA chapter that goes "Well golly, he's such a dork and I'm such an idiot" I'll heave the book out the window!  Better not be a screen on that window or I'd be such a dork.

Now, on with my surfing and studying Brit musicians history.  Once again, here's my book up at Swoonreads for free...for now.  Check it!  12,000 visits can't be wrong but identify yourself & rate it, please!
 Star Water - Book One - Sweet Sorcerer

Thanks a million stars!

Sunday, 2 February 2014

What's in it for you?

My previous posts revealed my love for boys in bands and I continue to adore them all the time.  I especially like the cool cultured Brit musicians - I swoon.  Right now I'm reading 'Pink Floyd - Behind the Wall' by Hugh Fielder. This weighty 'coffee table' style book is a lovely collection of glossy stunning omg! photos of Pink Floyd through history and the biography is detailed, fun to read, and well researched.  This band is so cool and brilliant as well...and their music is truly out of this world.

Everything about their music, which are albums of rock opera really, very inspired...everything appeals to me - the astronomical possibilities of sound, the lyrics profound, the feeling all around.  'Meddle' is the album I've been listening to a lot in the last few days, as well as the genius 'Dark Side of the Moon'.  Reading about the history and evolution of modern music in the UK helps me to understand why I love this genre so much!  I want to learn more.  Young David Gilmour, vocalist and lead guitarist of Pink Floyd  is a babe back in the day...and he is a very handsome man to this day, many years later...his eyes are exceptionally beautiful.  His sun sign is Pisces and sometimes the eyes of Pisceans are described by astrologers as 'eyes being deep, lovely and full of strange lights...and beautiful.' David's eyes are what they're talking about imo!

I'm inspired by beauty...I need beauty to create my reality.  Sometimes I've asked myself "what's in it for me?" in the past when I follow beauty.  The answer is I'm closer to my own truth as my imagination leads me on to find a path of happiness.

And as for my book, you can ask me "What's in it for me?" and ask "why bother to read it?"  I truly feel there's a lot in Star Water - Sweet Sorcerer for you!  A lot of mysterious wonderful possibilities in those pages.  One main reason why I wrote it is with you in mind, dear readers.

The book is free at Swoonreads.  The genre is Young Adult paranormal fantasy.  Check it here - I know you'll be glad.  Thanks.   Star Water - Sweet Sorcerer

...And to show you my description of's pics of young David Gilmour back in the 1970's in the early days of the mystical enchantment that is Pink Floyd.

And those eyes...I'm mesmerized

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Free university education

I'm thinking of Utopia, not dystopia...a more heavenly lovely world is all around us - if we choose to see it!  In some countries of the world university education is free and many advantages appear as if by magic when people have free access to follow their dreams and curiosity.  In North America, post secondary education is becoming more & more expensive -  not affordable for many and this situation is not improving.

Will higher education once again, like in the Middle Ages, be a privilege of the rich?  When we don't learn about things we should know about, we begin to experience negative feelings - fear of the unknown, misdirected anger at people, a total lack of understanding about the huge world we live in.  Our curiosity becomes restricted.  We can only think so far.  We can't think outside the box as we don't have the tools or skills to express ourselves.  We start to live in a bubble, convincing ourselves that everything is okay.

It's not okay to ignore what's going on around us and hope someone comes along to fix everything!  We should help!

One way to help is when authors try to write responsible fiction, especially for Young Adults - books that don't scare people for the sake of scaring people.  Responsible fiction is kind, shows a better way, ponders the human condition and has an uplifting message regarding humanity.  Responsible fiction for YA is not irreverent, cruel, inhumane and depressing.  

Those who choose to write irresponsibly, for book sales and profit, will not help to create a world of understanding.  In my opinion, those books are doomed.

Monday, 20 January 2014

What if I'm a famous author & you don't know?

I'm beginning to get the feeling, or should I say the feeling is not new, but for a few months now I'm thinking - I don't know if readers could recognize a famous author's writing (when the author uses a new moniker/alias/penname) even if the book was staring right at them!

I don't think agents could recognize a famous author from a slush pile if the author used a different name.  I think sometimes fame is all a bunch of bullshit, excuse the expression.  We're all followers, liking what other people like, wanted to be part of popular culture.  Fame is all a facade in writing.  Music is different because people can immediately identify a singer's voice, or the way a group of musicians play the fans can identify.

But writing...naw!  Readers need to see the author's famous name, and then they buy the book.  It doesn't matter how or where the author markets the's a name game.

And the joke is on you...and me.  This activity is like lemmings - who follow each other to the edge of a cliff and jump off, to die.  Such is the case, when animal rights activists and environmentalists try to tell people we need to look around us and learn - but we're too busy following each other!  Hey, if one lemming stopped to stay and check things out, this one would survive "the lemming race."

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Barbara, 24 years gone

January 20th, 2014 marks the 24th anniversary of Barbara Stanwyck's passing.  I am a superfan.  I love her movies, her ways, her style.  She's born in the astrological sign of Cancer, like me.  I'm 4 days earlier than her but many years apart.  We have a bunch of similarities, especially after reading Victoria Wilson's awesome biography I realized this. Barbara is my inspiration.  Here's the link Victoria Wilson's website and her new book - A Life of Barbara Stanwyck - Steel True - Volume One!

Monday, 13 January 2014

My ravenwinged angels

My new year is starting well.  It is the Year of the Horse and I am the dark horse advancing from the skies and stars to fly among lovers on Earth.  We all want to fly - if you can, in your dreams, do it!  Always imagination is followed by visualizing and creating your true reality.

You are my ravenwinged angels.  We are made of clear water and golden lights of constellations.  We are light years ahead. If you go with me, into Star Water, Sweet Sorcerer will guide your stairway to heaven on Earth.  Spread your wings and fly with this winged dark horse.  Thank you, angels.

Thursday, 2 January 2014

My speech for Goodreads friends

This is my screenplay speech for Goodreads friends. Please read, I implore fair ladies (and gents)

The scene is a university campus. Around the main buildings the area is crowded with hundreds of students holding protest signs.  Some signs are "No Factory Farming".  Other signs say "No to Big Oil" and other signs say other things in protest (because this is a dream I had).  Anyway they are environmental and animal rights activists.  Now this is not the dream but here's where I come in.

Luvelle Raevan enters the scene and stands on a soapbox in the midst of the crowd.  She holds a microphone.  Here's her speech - a bit tongue in cheek, but sincere and hopeful.

"Friends at Goodreads - you call yourselves friends?  My friends support me.  My friends rally together for a good cause.  Where are you when I need you?  Sweet Sorcerer is at  Here's your chance to make a difference for an author - and that author is me.  I need your votes.  Together we can change the course of human history.  You can say 'I was there when it all began'.  Why are those other books all ahead of me?  The power of one - a newest New Age.  Please head on over there!  Time is running out for my Sweet Sorcerer!."

The crowd is hushed.  Suddenly they cheer as one and head over to Swoonreads to rate Luvelle's book 5 swoonworthy hearts and to write amazing comments.  Luvelle is left standing on her soapbox.  It feels really good up there...yes, really amazingly good.

                                                          The End.